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UK Midlands, United Kingdom

Friday 30 July 2010

Flexible operation, Flexible staff

So the cabin crew  thought they  were  operating Wednesday to  Faro for a customer and positioning straight back to  Birmingham  empty- Well they thought wrong .

A late booking  confirmation  sees the aircraft  position  from Faro to  Barcelona empty and then Nice  instead, in order to  operate   a VVIP  back to  the UK this weekend, Insh'Allah  - still I dont suppose they minded missing an odd episode  of Eastenders to spend a night or two in the Catalan capital . Good job they took their overnight bags  just in case .
Never use pen in your diary in this industry sector - things change and often at short notice.

Who is that arriving at the Cello Birmingham  terminal ?

and departing  for Portugal

A look at the Aston Villa  website  will reveal all

W: http://www.flycello.com/
 B: http://celloaviation.blogspot.com/

T:   0121 507 8700
