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UK Midlands, United Kingdom

Friday 4 March 2011

A few days off for annual maintenance

A little time away from  revenue generation for its annual 'medical' has been the order of the week  for G-RAJJ. 
So what happens when you need to  replace a soon to be time expired escape slide  during routine maintenance?
Well you can just remove and replace it it OR if you work for Cello, you can have a more interesting 5 minutes  with camera and team

An opportunity for  a little refresher  training for the crew

Missing revenue opportunities is always a difficult call and scheduling maintenance against diary periods  which are forecast as 'quiet times' and less invasive towards the revenue generating flying schedule is a bit of a dark art. However it has been achieved with limited down time over 5 days.

And so it's back into service for a full flying week ahead, touching 3 London airports plus  Nice, Faro, Blackpool  and Marseilles in the space of 7 days.
