About Me

UK Midlands, United Kingdom

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Day 1 at EBACE

 Day 1  brought winds gusting to  35 kt  but this didnt deter the  visitors to the  exhibition

BAe Systems press launch  gives a mention  to  the Cello Aircraft  as they display lateral thinking in developing the next concept for the Avrojet.

In addition to  the major photo requests for internal shots, Flightglobal  film interviews aboard G- RAJJ  for broadcast on its  daily webcast from  EBACE .

Many of our target customer base have visited  by 11am and some additional charter requests arrive with the visitors- over 100 visitors to  the aircraft during the day.

Busy time onboard with Cello and BAe visitors.

End of the day clean up  and prep.

And tomorrow we do it all over again !
