About Me

UK Midlands, United Kingdom

Wednesday 5 May 2010


Life continues apace in Celloland. Day 2 of EBACE  brings rain instead of wind but fails to  reduce the flow of visitors to the aircraft.

Limiting the visitors to 10 at any one time (in order to  allow a certain level of privacy for the discussions taking place) we get queues forming at the foot of the airstairs .

Middle Eastern Prince  and Presidential Flight visitors mix with air charter brokers and  aircraft suppliers.
A competitor is welcomed aboard- ''just passing and thought they'd see what we're up to''  -well now they know! Irish Air broker enquiring about  a shuttle operation  from  Ireland to  support next year's Cheltenham  Gold Cup  and a revisit from  another broker placing  a USA entertainment group European tour  who are requesting more interior shots .

A large proportion of European brokers on our wish list  have now made contact during the show

You would find it hard to  believe global economic difficulties arent too far away, looking at the attendence volumes at the show and the business being done .

Just in case anyone didnt know what the aircraft type is !
