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UK Midlands, United Kingdom

Friday 23 April 2010

Next week is flying week

The waiting for approvals is nearly over .  Sunday we finally get our hands on the aircraft for pre-service test flying and route proving . Low level flying around the Manston area and upper air work around the east coast. Positive noises  coming from  the CAA  re approvals .  Cabin crew get  to  operate some dummy sectors  to  confirm cabin equipment operation and service delivery standards.

The real deal. No longer  just an artists impression.
Can we please get those seats bolted down. We have customers waiting!

Thank you !! I know we want to keep the seats looking good - but we will take the protective covers off .

The view half way through the seat fit process 7 days ago. The buffer time built into  the maintenance programme gets used in part- a seat alignment problem is resolved  but this delays aircraft completion by several days. As the aircraft completion  and the AOC  process run in parallel, the delay has no impact on the business start date.

As part of the flying programme next week, the aircraft will  be visiting  its base at Birmingham International before departing to Geneva  for a week

tel: UK (0)121 507 8700
