About Me

UK Midlands, United Kingdom

Friday 9 April 2010

The Office- no not the Ricky Gervais one

Well it depends  which office we're talking about.

Up at the sharp end. The  pilots' office - and not a laptop or PC in sight. Flight instruments and FMS powered up  to  check for serviceability

Ground floor office-the business end -not a pilot in sight . It's good to see a fully staffed office  in preparation for  commercial and operational service. Roll on May and revenue operations! The long 'to do' list slowly but surely being ticked off , even down to  the ordering of the  Hi-Viz jackets for the airside staff..

Loading foreign airfield charges in to the costing software. The aircraft's ability to operate into  even the smaller regional airports means details for  several hundred accessible airports within Europe are required. Obviously no small task . A turnaround time of 30 minutes for each charter request, even the complex itineraries is the target using this software.
 Booking contracts and customer terms and conditions are now written . A brief exploration this week of a different market segment, the UK/European luxury weddings market segment produced some surprising results - a market definitely worth pursuing.

So who is  Frank Kane? Its a long story.

